Serving Burlingame Since 1929


The Burlingame Lions Club is a non-profit, non-parti­ san organization whose members are dedicated to improving the lives of those who live and work in Burlingame.

Chartered on June 27, 1929, the Burlingame Lions Club is an important part of the community. The members are dedicated men and women consisting of public employees, business people, professional and retiree's.
Even through the primary interest is the Community of Burlingame, the Burlingame Lions Club is associated with a network of other clubs throughout the Bay Area, across the United States and in more than 200countries.  The International Association of Lions Clubs is the largest service club organization in the world.

Membership is open to men and women who have a desire to become involved in community service activities. Dedicated people just like you make up the Club membership. There are no restrictions on becoming a member, other than being an adult person of good character and in good standing in the community. You must also have a desire to become involved in community service, You probably already know many of the members as friends and neighbors.



The Burlingame Lions give back by providing services, hours and contributions to: Burlingame Library, Burlingame Schools, Call Primrose, Canine Foundation, L.E.F., Lions Eye Foundation, SPCA, Burlingame Parks & Recreation.